It's a story we all know
We know all about the pain of the frustrated renters - having been there ourselves. It's a story most of us stuck in generation rent are familiar with. We created Jrny to rewrite the housing market narrative and to give fellow frustrated renters a happier ever after.
Your journey is our journey
Hey everyone!
We, the team at Jrny, are a group of aspiring owners who are sick of wasting our money on rent and learnt the hard way that homeownership simply isn't accessible to most young people!
We know we're not alone - today, about half of those under 35 get help from the bank of mum and dad for their first home. What about those of us who can't rely on that? Too often, the answer is simple: get left behind as a renter or make big sacrifices to get on the ladder.
We think both options are unacceptable and are convinced that we need a new model of housing that works for our generation. Our mission is simple: to create a new system where you get many perks of owning with the flexibility of renting. If ownership suits you, Jrny helps gradually prepare you. And if not? Just leave… wealthier than you came.
We're so excited to create this new model with all your support. We've already processed over £1 billion worth in applications from all of England & Wales (and looking to expand to other areas of the UK soon).
Nick & Vince
Co-founders @ Jrny